Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Huge Boom!

Well, the party was complete disaster! I had no one at my party execpt vzer! I guess I'll try and get more through twitter! Bye!

Funny edited pic (no effence mimorulz)

I edited this pic to make it kinda funny. Bye!

Hey Ppl!

It's me vzer! I'm NEW to the chobots universe! Also Jayrod is having a party at 23:oo chobot time on choclate at the citizen spot underground. C-ya

Chobot Party! WOO HOO!

At 23:00 chobot time, I'm having a party in the Underground! I'll probably send out a TONO postcards! Be sure not to miss it! I'll post about it! It's gonna be on Chocolate, in the citizen part of the Underground! Bye!

Vzer's Presentation

I'd just like to say to Vzer that I'd rate him 2 BIG thumbs up for his blogger demo at school! I learned a lot about blogger even though I know a lot! If I'm correct, our teacher probably gave him an A++! Congratz to Vzer! He will recieve a special present from me on chobots! Bye, for now!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mimo Hurry Up!

It's almost 9:00 P.M Mountain time and I'm going to bed soon! Mimo still hasn't said when and where his next party is tonight! Hurry up , Mimo and tell us where it is and when it is! Hope he posts soon! :{ [teeth chattering] I'll try and post when he has the news! I keep on begging my parents if I can play on the computer or post on blogger! So far they've been letting me! Hope they still do tonight! Bye!

AWESOME Mimo Quickee Party! NOW OVER!

Sorry, I didn't post! I had a lot of homework! Anyway, Mimo777 had quickee party on clubpenguin on the server Mittens in the coffee shop. He's going to have another one tonight if you missed it like me. :[ Here's the address so you can find out about it: I'll post about the unscrambled servers and rooms his party will be on.[Psst!] [ the server and room was scrambled!][thanks vzer!]Bye!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


The banner to get to clubpenguin didn't work! Sorry:[

Club Penguin

Here is the banner for you so you can get there easier!



Congratz to vzer for getting 7th place in asteroid! He received 2000 something bugs!lol He shot 2101 asteroids! Bye for now!

The Moment Of Truth!

You voted to see if murcielago should get a blogger acount! Here is the results! [ drum role ] voted........ HECK YEAH![Ta da! sound] Murcielago1 will get his own acount on blogger and recieve information on how to post and stuff from me and vzer! This Jayrod98 signing off!

Murcielago1 Gets Acount?

Should Murcielago1 get an acount? That's up to YOU! Vote on the poll at the bottom right hand corner!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Vayerman Outifits!

Sorry, this what I was gonna post about when I forgot! You all probably know about the Vayerman outfits! There are a blck monk and a golden ninja or knight. I can't remember which. They are only available for ciizens only! Sorry! I wish I could get them. I'm having a poll on the outfits to the right! Bye!

The Contest

Vzer and I will be having a contest on links. What you have to do is look for a secret link on our posts. I'm not sure how Vzer is gonna show the secret link, but I guess I'll find out. Anyway, all yo have to do [ I guess ] is just comment on if you think you found the link and if we say it's right, then we'll give you something of our's free on chobots. Well, bye for now!

New Name!

Today, I changed Jayrod98's Chobots Gang to The Chobot Universe! Has a better ring to it, don't you think? I'll tell Vzer about it. Bye! Might post later!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Pledge of Mimo777

This is the mimo777 pledge. You must put your right hand over your heart and say it to yourself every time you come on to this blog. That means you, Vzer! [ loudly]HE IS THE ONE WHO SAVED US FROM OUR TROUBLES ON CLUBPENGUIN! HE SAVED US BY BRINGING DOWN CHEATS TO STOP OUR PROPLEMS! HE INTRODUCED US TO CHOBOTS AND OTHER GAMES! HE IS THE ONE WHO INSPIRED US TO BLOG! AND BECAUSE OF THAT, HE GETS A CITY IN HIS HONOR! That's my speach. Here's the pledge: I pledge alligiance to blogs of the Great Blogger Mimo. And to his cheats, or else clubpenguin and chobots would be like the time of cavemen. One blog, under mimo, indivisible, with fun and freedom for all. That's it. Well, bye for now! I was gonna post, but I forgot what it was about!

A Post On Polls? I don't know I coudn't think of a title!

And the winner is......![drum role] That's to be found out! From now on I will have contests on polls! PPCs[post, poll, contest] will decide who or what is a winner of a poll. I will then have a poll on that. Just look at the bottom of the page for PPCs on the polls. Then vote. bye!
SSCM: agent

New Boards AND Mimo City!!!

Does anyone know who mimo777 is? A couple of you do. He's a blogger that puts clubpenguin cheats on his blog. Here's the cheats site He also has a SECRET site[SHHHH!]where he posts music of his and videos and other cool stuff! They made a city about him! I don't know why. Most of you who know about my site because found out from vzer's site.[ The link won't go from here. You'll have to type it] Well vzer said on his newest post about about hover boards. They're sort of like rocket boots. Anyway......THEY'RE TOTALLY AWESOME!! but there's one thing ....I can't buy them. Yeah, I know i'm not a citizen :[ [sad violin music] Sorry for all you Jayrod98 fans! I'm not a citizen! [joke] [But really, I'm not citizen!] [In a commentator like voice] This is Jayrod98 signing off! I'll still keep posting. I'm not really SIGNING OFF.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Vzer and My Secret Plans!

WOO! HOO!! Back in business, baby! Anybody know Vzer? Well, Vzer and I will be planning knew secrets for our blogs[ if you haven't seen Vzer's blog here's the address: ] there will be secret words or sentences at the end of posts. These words and sentences will be known as.........[drum role] The Super Secret Clues of Mytery![SSCMs] The SSCMs are clues that lead to a prize or secret. But be aware, not all secrets and prizes will be good! If you enter the wrong answer it may lead you back or give you a suprise of mischief! Ha! Just kidding! They'll all be good secrets and prizes!.......Or will they......[joke]
If you win correctly, Vzer and I will send you a free membership to clubpenguin, chobots, planet cazmo, or pirates online! Just comment under the post to say you've found the prize or secret!
There are 1st place , 2nd place, and 3rd place winners! Gotta go! Might post tomorrow! Oh, and some questions may be part of a poll. On the poll in parentheses it will say SSCM.

Other Fun Online Games!!

Most of you on this blog know about chobots. Well, here's some other fun websites and online games! Try:,,,,, if you haven't tried chobots, here's the site:,, and last but not least,

Saturday, April 18, 2009

How To Become An Agent On Chobots

A lot of you that play chobots would probably like to become an agent and get to spraypaint in the Underground. We like to give things away and help chobots! Well, here's how: 1. You should learn the rules and secrets of chobots. 2. Become a friend of one of the agents and help them so they recommend you.[ I dont know where you find friends that are agents] 3. Start a blog or site, there you can help new people that come to Chobots, [ Like this blog ] Always give help to others. And finally, you should ask a moderator to make you an agent! Remember, you need to work hard and show it to others. Good Luck! :] [ thanks Omer] Go to the park, and you should see a triangular door. Click it and it will take you to the agents place to spray paint! Remember, keep looking out for evil alien nichos!

New Blogger For Chobots

Hi, worldwide chobots!! This is a new blog for chobots!! On this blog you will recieve information on game cheats, upcoming information on chobots, and much more!!