Sunday, May 1, 2011

It is official...

my new  blog is Join and ill keep you updated on minecraft.

thanks for joing


Hey guys! back.
for a little while anyway. so i got on chobots this morning and it made me realize how much i liked it, but it also made me realize why i quit. i may be on sometimes but if you see me around just let me know how your doing and ill say hi to you. i may not become a citizen again but you never know. i will usually be on chocolate city wandering the streets but you know...i guess ill be helping people more now. THE GOOD NEWS IS I FOUND 2 really cool games called MINECRAFT heres the link it costs about $20,but its worth it. the cool version is called beta and i recommend you to get it. basically what happens is you wake up on and island you must build things to survive so you dont get killed by the monsters. the second is called ace of spades heres the link it is free and the whole point of it is basically minecraft except its WWI and and you must shoot other players on the other team and build cool forts. you download the game and then can join a server from the webpage i told you about.

well i hope you enjoy these games. i am making a blog for mineraft called minecraft 24/7 me and vzer may collaborate with it. but ill keep you updated.

thanks for reading!


Friday, May 7, 2010

New Blog

Hey guys! I've got a new blog! It's called Jayrod 24/7. The web address is So, go to it and subscibe. So far I've got no one! waaa! Anyway, it's about my everday life, so yeah.




Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm Sorry

Sorry about getting mad in the last post. I was just mad at Chobots. I'm stilll going to manage my blog too.
p.s. Green Day Rox!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chobots No-Fair!!!!!! :( :P

Stop what you're doing right now! Go to the shop and click the top left menu. Chobots is making you pay REAL money for clothing! Also go the cents sign outside the shop. Chobots is making trade at least 50,000 bugs for $8! CHOBOTS. IS. A. RIP. OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are reading this, never. Never ever play chobots again! Jayrod is signing off. For the last time. My blog is done. Goodbye forever. I leave my blog to Erpy.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I am SO Sorry!

Sorry Chobotians! I havent't been on in forever! I have been so busy! I have football, orchestra, and school! I will start blogging later and will get back to you later.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sweet battle contest over

The contest is now over congrats to Raad_642002 gets month of free citizenship! Congratz!
Idot gets 3 weeks of free citizenship! Chcbots gets 2 weeks of free citizenship!
And Ashley7878 gets 1 week of citizenship!
Well done guys!